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Changing Java memory in DbVisualizer 9.1.3 and later versions

Starting with DbVisualizer 9.1.3 Java VM properties such as virtual memory is modified from within the DbVisualizer user interface. You find the Java VM Properties setup in Tools->Tool Properties and in the General top level category.

Tested and verified for MS Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Install: Windows installer – run installer executable. It will automatically upgrade version (if needed). MacOS DMG – just run it and drag-n-drop DBeaver into Applications. Debian package – run sudo dpkg -i dbeaver.deb.Then execute “dbeaver &”. DbVisualizer is one of the top-rated Database Management software. As every product has some PROS & CONS. So, If you are facing any kind of problem while using DbVisualizer, like features limitations in a product, system compatibility issues, unavailability for any operating system. Get the best database experience. DbVisualizer is The Ultimate Universal Database Tool for developers, analysts and DBAs. Download for free now.

The screenshot shows memory being set to 768 MB which is just an example. Adjust it accordingly but make sure to follow the notice below.

Don't set the -Xmx property too large as it may result in Java not being able to launch DbVisualizer properly. If you experience problems starting DbVisualizer open a file explorer tool on your system and remove this file depending on operating system:


Windows: C:Users<user>.dbvisuser.vmoptions

Linux/Unix: /home/<user>/.dbvis/user.vmoptions

Mac OS X: /Users/<user>/.dbvis/user.vmoptions

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Java properties for the dbvisgui and dbviscmd scripts are changed by editing respective script.

The memory information shown in the DbVisualizer status bar shows information about memory available for new tabs, result sets etc. It does not include memory reserved for internal processing and the max amount is therefore always lower than the value specified by the -Xmx option. With -Xmx512m, the status bar max value is typically 341M.

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Also note that if you still run out of memory after increasing the max memory, you may find the hints about how to reduce the memory requirements in Handling Memory Constraints helpful.

NOTE: If the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable is set and includes any of the Java VM properties that are set in DbVisualizer. The _JAVA_OPTIONS properties are used first. If this happens, Java will printout for example 'Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx512m' when starting DbVisualizer.

Changing Java VM memory in 9.1.3 and earlier versions

The following explains how to increase the memory for each platform for versions older than DbVisualizer 9.1.3 or when the current runtime don't allow changing memory settings from within the DbVisualizer UI.


  1. Open the DBVIS-HOMEdbvis.vmoptions options file in a texteditor. (This file is located in the installation directory for DbVisualizer).
  2. Any Java system property can be added to this file and each row is interpreted as a standard system property to the Java VM
  3. To increase the maximum memory available for Java modify the property -Xmx768m

(This example sets the memory to 768MB but you can set it to any value that is appropriate for your system).

Mac OS X:

On Mac OS X, edit the Info.plist file to change the Java VM parameters including the maximum memory property.

Installation instructions

The installation files are identical for the DbVisualizer Free and DbVisualizer Pro editions. The DbVisualizer Pro features are enabled with a license key.

Installation Notes for ZIP archives (Windows)

All files are contained in an enclosing folder named DbVisualizer.
Unpack the distribution file with the built-in zip archive extraction utility in Windows.

The ZIP archive installer will not add any entries to the Start menu, add desktop launchers or register the software in the Windows registry. Start DbVisualizer by running DbVisualizerdbvis.

Installation Notes for TAR-archives (Linux/UNIX)

All files are contained in an enclosing folder named DbVisualizer.
Unpack the distribution file in a terminal window with:

Start DbVisualizer by executing the command:

Installation Notes for TGZ-archives (macOS)

All files are contained in an enclosing folder named DbVisualizer.
Unpack the tgz file in a terminal window with the following command or double-click it in the Finder:

Dbvisualizer Crack

Start DbVisualizer by opening the following:

Installation Notes for RPM-archives (Linux)

Install the RPM archive with the following command in a terminal window or use your favorite RPM tool:


Start DbVisualizer by either finding the application and double-clicking on its icon or by executing the following command in a terminal window:

Installation Notes for DEB-archives (Linux)

Install the DEB archive with the following command in a terminal window or use your favorite DEB tool:

Start DbVisualizer by either finding the application and double-clicking on its icon or by executing the following command in a terminal window:

Mac How to upgrade

You may install a new version of DbVisualizer on top of an older version. Your configuration will not be lost. You can install different major versions of DbVisualizer side by side.